<< I hate to think that her low frequency during the first three months could
 kill her supply that permanently. I do believe that women can irreparably
 damage their supplies with low frequency during those initial months, but
 not to be able to raise supply at all? Does this sound right to you all?

In a word, yes.  I've seen this before.  It seems as though regardless of what
you do, supply won't go up.  I think that at that point, if the prolactin
receptors aren't there (laid down) in the beginning, then the fenugreek,
reglan, blessed thistle, etc. won't work.  If they were laid down initially,
and mom bf frequently to start with, but then tapered off, you have those
receptors, and using something that stimulates prolactin will increase milk
supply.  But that's just a hunch, not based on anything specific.  It
certainly does point to the importance of breastfeeding early and often in the
first few weeks, however.  Also pumping a lot for those moms that can't

Thoughts, anyone?
