Anne Robb asks about milk expressed by mom with thrush - no, don't save it.
But if she cultures it, I'd be curious to know what she finds.

And about transmission back & forth between dad w/athlete's foot:
Yes,  the organism that causes yeast inf. is quite contagious (and yes, it's
the same as "jock itch, athlete's foot, etc.) and can just keep spreading
around a family. I would recommend the following for the whole household:
wash hands ferquently, esp. before & after nsg & diaper changing. Dry hands
with paper towels
use towels only once, and don't share with other family members
use very hot water for laundry. Use bleach for whatever you can (esp.
towels, underwear, white socks for hubby)
hang clothes out to dry in the sunshine (ha-ha-ha, from where I live!)
add vinegar to the laundry's rinse water
boil items that have been in the baby's mouth - artificial nipples, teething
toys, breastpump parts
use a condom & avoid oral sex during an outbreak (symptoms in either parent)
depending how you're treating it, continue to treat for a week after
symptoms disappear, if appropriate to treatment method, usually for at least
2 wks total
don't save breastmilk expressed during outbreak

Cathy Bargar, RN IBCLC Ithaca NY