I am going to add a few more hives this year (package bees) and I was
wondering if any of my fellow Texans
have experience with Carniolans. I have heard they are a northern bee; but
I was thinking if they have an early
spring buildup it would really help in the east texas area. I understand
they are gentle and do not readily rob;
I really had a lot of trouble last year with the drought inducing my
italian "girls " into this destructive behavior.
The old time beekeepers in my area say you can either make honey or make
bees ( which means package bees
 will generally not make surplus honey the first year and likewise with
splits) due to the relatively short nectar flow.
 I have read the Carniolans are slow in comb buildup and this might be a
problem due to the above statement.
I would like to hear comments, good or bad about my possible purchase.
Bob Young