Have any US mediawatchers seen the Jan 99 American Baby issue? A
coworker shared with me. Am I being picky or is this one of those where
if we evaluated the subtleties of the article we would find it wanting,
e.g.: (emphasis mine)
Title - Secrets to bf SURVIVAL (by Sarah McCraw Crow)
sidebar - what to do WHEN you hit a nursing roadblock
main photo - squirming baby with mom nursing but clenching baby's arm
other photo - dealing with discreet nsg shows mom buttoned down from top
(main photo too)- altho the text is good
ads - playtex nurser bottles and lots of bf retail items throughtout
sidebar " for the LONG HAUL" - obstacle: "baby still awakens for night
nsgs.... Try a soothing bedtime routine that doesn't include nsg to
sleep "(p 51) - okay am I being picky here, can you tell I am an
attachemnt parent.? why don't women want to nurse their babies to sleep?
text - "nursing problems, plus a newborn's demanding fdg schedule of
every few hrs around the clock, are enough to convince many women to
give up" (p 48); "to suckle properly a baby must open his mouth wide,
swallow, and breathe" (p 48); "...ask...how your hosp staff will
encourage your first EFFORTS" (p 48); "babies go thru growth spurts at 6
wks, 3 mos, and 6 mos" (this is too rigid and inflexible for me -
LW)p50; "when you put baby to breast...what you should feel is strong
pulling, LIKE A VACCUUM for 10 seconds" p. 52 (I am thinking vacuum
cleaner? LW); for sore nipples she recommends wet tea bags, wet and
frozen gauze pads to numb, p. 52.

Good points: she found LLL, she was successful, bf got easy;  br milk is
perfect food, benefits of bf; avoid bottles and supplements, lots of
good info on latching, baby's output, skin to skin, and more.

Here is one of those articles where you really have to decide if and
what to write to the editor. I just wonder who edits these articles.
Now, why don't they just let ME do it.!? :) So much media, so little

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign
Violet Louisiana, USA
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