I can't believe the Mass Dept of Public Health can come up with the money
to mass produce a multicolored poster 11 x 18 that advertises against
breastfeeding for HIV pos women.  Where is the money to advertise in
favor of breastfeeding for many more reasons and applying to the majority
of women.  Here is a description of the poster
4 large 4 x6 photos (set up 2 by 2 square) of an ethnic mother nursing
her baby in red, yellow, magenta and green.  Not at all flattering.
"Breast is Best" appears in 3/4 inch white letters across these pictures.
 At the bottom is the following text in black UNLESS YOU HAVE HIV.  Then
in small print across the bottom is "if you are planning pregnancy or are
pregnant, you should get tested for HIV, the AIDS virus.  If you're
infected, your baby can be born infected..or become infected by your
breast milk.

Please don't misunderstand.  I know this issue needs to be taken
seriously but I'm supposed to put these posters up in my WIC office and
I'm wondering what effect this will have on pregnant moms.  Will they
just say "well I better not breastfeed just in case"? How are others
dealing with this issue?

Ilene Fabisch, IBCLC, LLLL
WIC Bfing Coordinator
Brockton, MA

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