Just had to add to the poop thread.
When Johnny finally started gaining weight (and making my ped smile) he
had an episode when he wasn't pooping.  I was hesitant to call because I
knew what they would want me to do (dreaded b*ttl*) so we waited it out.
At 6 days and no poops  I figured I'd call on day 7.
Do I need to tell you what happened the nite of day 6?  Yep,  doodey
overload!  Out  the leg holes, up the back and of course we weren't home.
 The whole time I was cleaning him up (20 wipees) he just laid there
smiiiling the biggest smile of his life!
Now he averages 1/day.

Stacey-in wonerfully white central jersey, hoping it doesn't turn to rain

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