You said the party line seems to have been to have the child
wean by one year?
Glad I missed that party line.
I remember as a med student an internist who was covering
a family practice office giving a mom a hard time for
still breastfeeding her 3 year old. Mom said "But she likes it."
to which the internist said, "So do a lot of men but that
doesn't mean you give it to them."
Being an ignorant med student I didn't question the internist
but this didn't seem right to me.
A short time later while doing some extra work at a shelter with
a pediatrician I knew I ask him about this. He told me it was
fine and that in a lot of cultures the moms breastfed for
several years. He must have missed the party line too as he
was my pediatrician as a baby. (Hey, he is old enough to be
on lactnet).
BTW if anyone in Huntington Valley, PA is looking for
a pediatrician his name is Steward Babara MD

Rob Cordes, DO, FAAP, FACOP
Wilkes Barre, PA
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