Dear Jan,

     I have been following a baby for about four weeks now (born at 36 weeks)
with slow weight gain who pees and poops within normal limits just like the
one you described. Baby has had weeks of no gain or only 1-2 oz gain. Baby was
back up to birth weight at about 4 weeks.  After working on latch, and pumping
to build supply  on weeks 3&4, we tried Reglan (Metoclopromide)  4x/day last
week then tapered.  On Reglan baby gained 6 oz in one week. This week Mom
decreased dose to 3X/day and baby only gained 3oz.  She has been using breast
compression.   Mom says  baby is very spitty. Throws up large amounts (non-
projectile) after 90% of feeds. (Although baby has never thrown up in front of
me)  And has a grazing style of eating.  I made a referral for a pediatric
work up for reflux today because I think we have addressed the supply issues.
Mom is going to start Fenugreek as she continues Reglan taper just because I
am uncomfortable keeping her on Reglan long term.  Maybe small amts of Reglan
in the breastmilk were therapeutic for infant?
     Anyway, I am puzzled and would like to hear more from others about babies
like this.