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Date: Fri, 01 Jan 1999 12:09:01 -0600
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From: "Mary P. Walker" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Catholic Parent anti-Ezzo Editorial!
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Please forward the following good news to Lacnet.  I'm not on their list.

The magazine Catholic Parent has a great editorial in the January/February
issue called "Raising Children God's Way? Oh, Baby! by Brian Donnelly, MD"
I just picked up a copy at my church.  As far as I know the magazine is not
online.  I won't violate copyright law by duplicating the entire article,
but here are a few highlights.  I think you will all be pleased.

"Move over Stephen King.  A new team of horror writers has arrived to
challenge your hegemony.  Their names are Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam, MD,
the authors of "on Becoming Babywise," a popular book purportedly about
raising children "God's way."

"Personally, as a pediatrician, I help take care of hundreds of babies
whose parents employ the attachment-parenting method  Their children (and
my very own, for that matter!) are not doomed to become the horrible beasts
that the Ezzo method claims."

He also talks about cosleeping in a positive light, and is very
pro-breastfeeding. He criticizes the Ezzo method for compromising the
nursing relationship.  Another quote: "They [authors of Babywise] make it
quite clear that the ability of parents to sleep for eight uninterrupted
hours is a sacrosanct, and that the baby can be entrained to dummy up and
go hungry during the night."

Anyway, please consider doing two things:

1.Get a copy of the article.  It is a valuable resource for those who work
with Christian families who might be pro-Ezzo method. Your local Catholic
Church probably makes the magazine available in the back.  Ask a Catholic
friend to check.

2.Please take a minute to drop a line to the editor thanking her for
covering the issue, expressing your support for the editorial and asking
her to include more breastfeeding articles in Catholic Parent.  I am
especially delighted that this publication is dealing with this issue.  The
Catholic Church does encourage moms to nurse, but not many do. I'm sure
lots of Ezzo parents will take the time to write.  It only takes a minute
to send an email.

Even (and especially) if you aren't Catholic, please write.  If you have
credentials ( nursing mom, LLL leader, RN, etc.) please add them.

The editor's name is:

Woodeene Koenig-Bricker

Her email is:  [log in to unmask]

Thank you and have a great new year.

Mary P. Walker

Author with Rowena L. Tucker, The Christian Family's Guide to Breastfeeding
Publication date 1999
Mother to Anna 11-1-93 and Michael 1-23-96
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Online excerpt of book
The Stewardship of Breastfeeding