Dear Lactnetters,
      Thank you for all of the prompt answers to the Hepatitis C
question!!! I printed some of them out and brought them to work Monday
and the mom started breastfeeding again  after bottling for almost a day.
 One very interesting and kind comment that came to me privately was that
the mom was going through so much loss at this time because of her
husband's accident it would be sad for her to miss out on a breastfeeding
relationship with her baby too.
       Another  question!  If a woman is experiencing internal stabbing
pains in her breast, is already on dicloxicillin for mastitis, is it
probably yeast?  And if the stabbing pain is internal, does that mean it
is ductal yeast?  And if it is ductal, will  topical treatment work?  Is
it a good idea to try topical, OTC things first, and if that doesn't help
in a few days, then try oral nystatin or diflucan?  The main HMO that
owns our hospital now (another whole story) does not carry diflucan on
its formulary registry and a couple of our patients have been told they
would have to pay for it, over $100!
      These questions reflect my certified but beginner status!  So thank
you for any help!
      Susan Potts RN IBCLC   keeping warm in Minnesota, and enjoying my
children                                                     enjoying the

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