>But I was tremendously bothered by this statement:
>(I was on constant watch for the LLL police to come and strip me of my
>accreditation :-))
>That sure doesn't put LLL in a very good light, especially in the eyes
>non-LLL people reading Lactnet. We have enough of an image problem
>some health professionals. I'm glad you were able to clarify later
>that your
>co-Leaders were supportive.
I apologize if anyone thought that was anything but a joke.
You're right.  If this was misconstrued by anyone, please know that ALL
my co-Leaders who knew what we were going through were more than
supportive and couldn't have been more loving.  This was more a statement
of my own self-doubt and loss of worth coming out at the time.  I try to
see humor in most situations and this may not have come across that way.
Again, I apologize for any misunderstanding.

Stacey Bentz, LLLL, Lawrenceville, NJ

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