Doraine -
    Did you manage to get the information, below, for your WABA meeting?
I know it was ages ago, but I hope it went well for you.
        Virginia Thorley, Brisbane, Australia

Dear Doraine,
    After being NO MAIL for some time, I came back on Lactnet just now
and saw your posting, requesting information for the WABA meeting you
are attending.
   I'm from Australia, and live in Queensland, which takes up the
northern half of the east coast of this continent.
   Your best source of detailed information on support for women who are
in the paid workforce and are breastfeeding would be the Nursing
Mothers' Association of Australia (NMAA).  This organisation (similar to
LLL) covers all of the country, and has a Working Group on just this
issue.  NMAA has developed a "Mother Friendly Workplace Award", and an
information package for employers.
  I don't have email connected at home and so am at the local cyber cafe
writing this - and don't have NMAA's email address in front of me.  If
you post a request on Lactnet, I'm sure someone will give you NMAA's
email address, or even the contact for someone in the respective Working
   All the best for your WABA meeting - a fine organisation.
     Virginia  (Virginia Thorley, IBCLC)

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