Dear Patrick,
Thanks for your response to my query.  My interest in foreign coins from
archaeological sites stems from the fact that there are quite a few such
coins above and beyond those officially counted as legal tender prior to
1857.  Some of these may well have been simple souvenirs or
keepsakes, but many others I think probably circulated, especially in
regions where coins were particularly scarce.  With a broad enough
data base, it should be possible to plot the distribution of non-US coinage
in time and space, thus adding a little flavor to our overall economic
Any data appreciated, particularly specifics of coin denomination and
date.  So many references seem to merely say something like "a Spanish
coin" or "an English coin."
Thanks again,
Bob Keeler
>>> "Patrick E. Martin (Patrick Martin)" <[log in to unmask]> 01/22/99
11:33am >>>
Bob et al,
For what purpose do you want this information?  I can dredge up several
examples, but would like to know why before I invest much time and
Pat Martin
Patrick E. Martin, Associate Professor of Archaeology
Editor of IA, Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
Department of Social Sciences, Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, Michigan 49931-1295 USA
Telephone (906) 487-2070   Fax  (906) 487-2468   Internet
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