Ulvi Yurtsever wrote:

>FWIW, my opinion still is that overall Haydn is a greater composer than
>Mozart, even though Mozart's "peaks" often exceed those of Haydn.

It's a straw man!  We all love Haydn.  Well, almost all of us.  Most of
us acknowledge that, in his best works, he's unsurpassed.  Nevertheless,
whenever somebody suggests in a post that Haydn, like Homer, may
occasionally nod, or (gasp) that they view Haydn w/ almost the same
skepticism that I've frequently seen applied to Mozart on these lists,
there seems to be an outcry that "everybody" is dissing him.

Altogether now:

"Papa Haydn wrote this tune
 And a chord is coming soon;
 It will be a big surprise.
 Open sleepy eyes.  BANG!"

Walter Meyer