At 04:18 PM 1/12/99 -0400, D.T. Phi wrote:
>Since when did Jeanne Baxstresser cease to be the NYPO principal flutist?
>If my memory is accurate, a few years back a former student of hers,
>principal flutist Timothy Hutchins of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra,
>created a stir by turning down the offer to become the NYPO principal
>flutist.  Instead, he proposed his former teacher for the post.  The NYPO
>did switch the offer and Ms. Baxstresser did accept it.  Where is she now?

As far as I know, Baxstresser is on a leave of absence for a year. Church,
as assistant, is acting principal. If someone close to the situationn knows
better. . . .

I didn't know that Hutchins turned down New York. He did turn down Boston
at least once. Possibly twice, I don't recall. If I count correctly, there
was time for twice, since Ozawa took 5-7 years to fill the post. (1991 to
1997, I *think*).

Roger Hecht