Mark Seeley ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>For my curiousity and idle speculation, I would say Mozart.  Haydn and
>Mozart were comtemporaries and fed off each other's creativity and genius.
>However, Haydn, in my opinion, surpassed Mozart in his London symphonies,
>but this is also due in part to having outlived Mozart.  So, it is
>interesting speculation to think and consider how Mozart might have
>surpassed Haydn if he had lived to his life expectancy.

I think they were very different composers.  Haydn was IMHO a far greater
symphonist - I could live without all the Mozart symphonies except the last
4 - and maybe No.34.  Mozart OTOH was a great opera and concerto composer,
which Haydn wasn't.

Although I won't go along with Glenn Gould who though Mozart died too late
rather than too soon, the composer I'd most like to have lived longer was

Deryk Barker
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