Richard Pennycuick ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>What I really wanted to throw in was the Symphony in E by Mahler's friend
>Hans Rott (1858-1884), available on Hyperion or BIS and possibly otherwise,
>and doubtless very old news to veteran Listers.  Sounds like Mahler 1 but
>was written well before, so actually Mahler 1 sounds like it.  I don't wish
>to accuse GM of plagiarism, but it does help to make the picture a little
>clearer.   ...

Well, some of it sounds like Mahler - the scherzo in particular IIRC -
but I think to say that it sounds like Mahler 1 is both misleading and an

Also, I'm not aware of any evidence that Mahler was familiar with Rott's
symphony at the time it was written.  His comments (about Rott and he
springing from the same soil or some such) were made in 1900ish, long
after Rott's death.

And don't forget that Das klagende Lied ("The work in which I became
*Mahler*") was composed *before* Rott's symphony.

>BTW, I haven't heard much of Chailly's Mahler, but his Bruckner is
>certainly the goods!

Not his 7th ain't.

Deryk Barker
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