Donald Satz wrote:

>...  I recently bought all T's symphonies performed by Markevitch(1-3) and
>Mravinsky(4-6).  It's been hard going - I cringe often.  I think I would
>have been better off if I went for the ballets, and that's what I'm going
>to do next.  If that doesn't work, I'll take Henk's advice.  If that
>doesn't work, I'm giving up and considering myself the wiser for it.

You also have to consider the point that perhaps Tchaikovsky *himself* is
over the top, and the only thing performers/conductors can do for him is to
make him less so.  My personal opinion is that he wasted a good many nice
melodies, and over used a few too many bad ones.

-Lindsey Orcutt
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