Jonathan Ellis wrote:

>And where do I go from here?  To "Das Lied"?  To other symphonies?
>Tell me - I am thirsting for more.....

I am concerned about my friend Jonathan.  He should drink a minimum of
10 glasses of water per day; that will relieve his thirst and reduce any
chance of developing kidney stones.  I'm an expert on kidney stones.

A few months ago, my situation was similar to Jonathan's.  I started buying
Mahler recordings in bulk, and I haven't stopped yet.  I can't yet address
his specific question as to Chailly's Mahler fifth; I'm still assimilating
the recorded repertoire and not ready to hand out any advice on particular
recordings or styles.  However, I can state that I do not regret a single
purchase so far.

What next? Well, even before I started my Mahler acquisitions, I always
liked Mahler's fourth.  A good safe recommendation is Haitink on Philips
- either version.  I guess I am handing out some advice.

The similarities between myself and Jonathan get eerie now and then.
Is he the twin I never knew?

Don Satz
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