David Stewart wrote:

>I am looking for a complete set of recordings of B's Piano Sonata's.

The only set I have is the Richard Goode set, and they go beyond his name.
Believe me, I am fond of several other pianists (including Glenn Gould and
Martha Argerich and many others!) but Goode's set is brilliant, beautiful,
wonderful.  I'm especially fond of the late sonatas.  I heard him live play
Opus 109 on a program of all-Beethoven sonatas (can't remember all of the
others, though I do recall he played Opus 78 and one of the Opus 31's) some
years back and fell in love with his playing.

Unfortunately, the set is also spendy.  I bought it almost 4 years ago on
sale at Tower for $99.  I highly recommend it.  It's on Electra Nonesuch.
I believe the disc of late sonatas can also be purchased separately.

-Lindsey Orcutt
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