Geoffrey Gaskell wrote:

>Within the severe limitations of my own totally inadequate capacities
>of comprehension, this "Flatlander", so to speak, once again takes the
>opportunity to congratulate Mr Newberry on producing such a thoroughly
>"Three Dimensional" Work of Art.  More please!

I thank Mr. Gaskell for his endorsement of the Ab, and I am glad he found
it pleasing to him.  I am currently working on a syntehsied rendering of
the Quartet in A and will put that and the Quartet in F up together some
time next month.

As for understanding - we are all flatlanders in the realm of music, we
see one plane on our eyes, we hear one moment of a work of music at a time.
G squared's metaphor is, perhaps an apt one for all artistic experience.

Stirling S Newberry
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