Lionel Choi wrote:

>... To me, her Diabelli only confirms how overrated Schnabel is as a
>Beethoven interpreter, whose Diabelli is also on his

overrated???  Do you have his complete sonata set?

>Just curious: The liner notes mention that Yudina was not one who was
>into sweet-talking and pleasing the political dictators of her time, and
>also mentions that she was a champion of Shostakovich's music.

Check out "Testimony" at the National Library (several places -- the main
branch has two or three copies)

>I might be wrong, but I thought I came across somewhere (possibly on this
>List or maybe somewhere else in cyberspace) that like Goldenweiser, Yudina
>was amongst those who at some point joined the Stalinist camp and denounced
>and censured composers like Shostakovich and Prokofiev, ...

Shostakovich I believe always had a good impression of Yudina, though she
did strange things, and was, to his description a hypocrite.

Derek Lim