Peter Horvath wrote of the Brendel/Vox series:

>At the price, you can't go wrong!

Now there's a statement that I fully agree with.  For such a low price,
you can experience many hours of superb Beethoven.  From what I've read
of the Taub series on Vox, he might be a "sleeper" worth acquiring also.

There are many folks who have a problem with the sound on the Brendel
recordings.  I would suggest utilizing an equalizer to remove whatever
problem you notice; it worked great for me.  I'm aware that many high-end
audio stores don't even carry equalizers.  The philosophy appears to be
that using an equalizer distorts the sound.  Bull!  If I don't like the
sound "as is", I'm doing what I can to improve it for my listening

Don Satz
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