John Smyth writes:

>Those of you who have passed over the Chandos/Jarvi recording of the
>Kalinnikov #1 over the years, (as I have), wondering if any of it's
>worthwhile, well, I finally went for it.  ($5.99 at Tower Outlet)

I have heard the Jarvi.  Kuchar on Naxos 8.553417 (coupled with the 2nd) is
better.  Jarvi sounds, as always to me, like he's late for a plane.  The
National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine also has a better woodwind section.

>Ear candy? Yes, but *oh* what a beautiful and touching slow mov't.

Amen.  Those who know Tchaikovsky's Symphony #1, Winter Dreams, will
appreciate it, though Kalinnikov's is hardly a cheap imitation.

>Many may cast a "jaundiced ear" towards the Russian Romantic symphonists,
>but for those that have a soft spot, I recommend the Kalinnikov.  Those
>afraid that they'll end up with another Rimsky 1st, have no fear: the
>Kalinnikov comes to life in a very sincere and melodious way.

And another amen.  I first heard this symphony with Kondrashin conducting.
It is no Rimsky.  Listeners will be rewarded over and over. I am now.

bob stumpf