That's how I feel after a productive trip to Borders this morning.  It
seemed that some discs I wanted were just waiting for me, and I didn't
even order any.

I found Mutter's Beethoven violin sonatas, the two most recent volumes in
the Levin/Hogwood Mozart piano concerto series, Suk's Epilogue and Fairy
Tale on Virgin conducted by Pesek, Bach cantatas on Thorofon(a dark horse),
Tureck's Bach in the Great pianists series(list recommended), and Rattle's
Mahler 3rd.  On the way home I stopped off at a semi-warehouse facility
to pick up those great deals I mentioned for Pamela Frank's Dvorak violin
concerto and the Dohnanyi versions of Schumann's symphonies:  a total of
$3 and still factory sealed.

I was particulary pleased to find the Mozart piano concerto cd's.  I think
they are volumes 5 and 6.  Levin is a superb interpreter, and Hogwood is,
well, Hogwood.  I've heard it said that Hogwood can not read music; he
certainly knows how to conduct it.

The Bach/Thorofon disc is of course a period instrument performance.  The
one review I had read was not a glowing one, but the cover art enticed me

Concerning Suk, I'd appreciate some feedback on what you think of his music
and recommended recordings.
