Dear Folks:
  Best holiday wishes to all. I agree with the posts of Heather and Jan about
watching the baby and not minding the numbers. Babies are honest. They have to
be, if they are to survive. I felt really comfortable with this until last
week when a baby that did not look good (sunken fontanelles), no poops, mom's
milk volume had not increased, brick dust urine, had lost over 10% of birth
weight but not as much as 15%.......and acted like he was living the life of
Reilly. This blows my mind. That he could act well with sunken
fontanelles....just having one case like this is enough to rattle one, believe
me. (He was admitted for dehydration and r/o herpes infection). This is
certainly an odd case and it shows me how one scare can influence an entire
   But my dear peers on LACTNET won't let me get paranoid, will they? :-)
   Warmly, Nikki Lee