Nursing Drew was very painful!!  I thought he just had a super strong suck,
which he did-developed most likely to hold onto the nipple.  He would clamp
down with an incredible ferociousness! I was constantly breaking the
suction and repositioning him. At night, I was saying "ouch" all night
long, because I would doze off, he would slip a little and clamp down hard!
If nursing had not been the only way I would raise a child, I might have
Clipping the upper frenulum is something few docs will consider until
preschool, as a tight upper frenulum can interfere with speach, but mostly
they do it for cosmetic reasons as it causes a gap between the teeth. At
this baby's age, clipping may be enough.  Drew actually had a frenulectomy
(at 17 months), with sutures and all, but his was so thick and tight that
liquids collected under it causing holes in his upper front teeth along the
gum line.  I was shocked at suddenly finding nursing comfortable! 
Good Luck!
Patty Spanjer, IBCLC
Dalton, GA