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Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 15:31:58 -0800
Subject: leader criteria
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How insulting of your supervisor to assume that since La Leche League
Leaders helps moms any ole nurses aide can do it.  LLL Leaders do have
criteria they have to meet.  It is not a school credential but rather one
born of experience and training.  As an Associate Coordinator of Leader
Accreditation I am very familiar with the hard work and experience that
goes is required of an Applicant before she becomes a Leader.  Others
have mentioned that she must have nursed for at least a year, be in
agreement with and have experienced in a personal way the ten concepts of
La Leche League, done extensive reading in areas related to childbirth,
breastfeeding and parenting and meet various other elements designed to
insure good breastfeeding knowledge and support techniques.  In addition,
she is expected to continue her education and keep up to date on all
important breastfeeding information through publications, meetings,
correspondence, and the network of resource Leaders.

As far as hands on, that is at the discretion of the Leader and what she
is comfortable with.  Leaders are also covered by liability insurance and
are subject to the governing of the organization through regular
reporting and participation in the organization.

Just what are these aides  going to do when they run into a situation
they aren't sure of? Leaders have access to a wide range of support and
knowledge/contacts through their co-Leaders and Professional Liaison
personnel.   Are the aides going to willingly turn to the LC's when that
might indicate the job is better suited to the LC's?

I must stress that every Leader's personal experience IS her credential.
She has an understanding on an emotional level that is difficult if not
impossible to teach someone.  I don't mean to be sexist or offend anyone
but that  is the basis  upon which the rest is built.

Adele Delgado, LLL, ACLA Santa Ysabel, Ca.

The website is a good recommenation but won't give a complete picture of
what the accreditation process is like or the many tools employed
(exercises, study guides) to ensure the level of knowledge.  and Marie, I
did not read your message to mean that you were in support of your OB
supervisors lack of respect for Leaders.  The legal issue is a good one.
If they are sending in someone who is ill trained they are liable for
misrepresenting the expertise provided.
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