<< Am I the only one offended by Target's recommendation about customers
being put in a dressing room to nurse? >>

I would be offended if Target (or any place) was telling mothers that
the dressing room is the ONLY place they may nurse.  When my 20yr old
daughter was less than 6 months old, I could nurse her any time, any
place.  She would fill up and fall asleep.  It got harder somewhere
around 6-8 months.  She was easily distracted by noise and people and
lights and anything else.  She would get increasingly fussy and not
nurse easily.  I was often frustrated that I couldn't find a quiet place
to block out the stimulatiion to help her settle down to feed.

Now, if I took her into the bathroom to change a diaper and saw a sign
saying I was welcome to calm her down in a dressing room, I would have
felt grateful and very relieved.  I don't think the sign is there as a
mandate.  I think it's a courtesy to customers.  I choose to see it as a
positive sign of meeting a mother's needs.

In Austin, TX where the weather will hit 79 degrees today if it doesn't
rain first, and I have nasturtiums blooming.
Jeanne Mitchell, Austin, TX
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle."
Plato  http://www.flash.net/~xanth/home.htm
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