I'm not crazy about LATCH either.  For one thing, I don't like the
emphasis on nipple protactility.  Nurses are too focused on nipples,
anyway, in my opinion.  I would rather have them evaluating the areolar
compressibility.  Besides, the major part of the assessment needs to be
on how the baby actually goes onto the breast and what he does after he
gets there.

We have LATCH on charting forms one place where I work.  It really
annoys me that the part that asks how much help the mother needs is
always a two (mother latches baby independently) when the nurses chart
on it.  Then I have to come along and put a "1" because mom really needs
help (but obviously didn't get it.)  The version we have has no place
for a score of complete comfort;  the 2 under comfort is for "slight
irritation" or something of that sort.

On the other hand, anything that encourages them to look is perhaps a
step in the right direction.

Bonnie Jones, RN, ICCE, IBCLC