Martha wrote about a Gyn-oncologist recommending that at the time of a LEEP
procedure a BFing mom should start feeding a 4 month old baby
cereal........and asked for references if any on estrogen levels being too
low for optimum healing after the procedure if she continued exclusive

Anecdotally, I 've had several (6 or 7 recently) ex-Lamaze clients of mine
(who were BFing at the time) call me for info about LEEP procedures.  All
were done by gynecologists, none by gyn-oncologists.  To my knowledge,  none
of the women were advised by their OBs to alter their BFing in any way.  So
naturally, none of them made any changes.  And, yes, everyone appeared to
heal just fine.  Babies and moms continued their BFing relationship without

I have no references......but you might ask if she'd be okay with you
contacting her doctor, and then ask him for HIS references, presenting it of
course in the spirit of being curious, respecting his knowledge base, and
being open to learning.....  Tell me folks, am I just being ornery today, or
does this qualify as still another stupid reason to take a step toward
weaning?  Does anyone have any information on how much a few spoons of
cereal will alter her hormone levels?  Is that amount really significant to
healing?  Oh, my, I guess we should be grateful he didn't recommend weaning
before the procedure..........sigh......

I am especially thankful for Pat Gima's delightful post about writing rules
today, and Maurenne Griese's statement that hell hath no fury like a
lactating woman's scorn.  Isn't that the truth!

Joyce Blangiardo RN, LCCE, FACCE, IBCLC
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Long Island, NY