Hi Harry,
If the strips are handled without gloves, some people, after extensive
contact with Apistan/Bayvarol may develop a slight itchy rash on the
hands. This is a temporary reaction which is not serious but may be
bloody annoying. Therefore, wear gloves while handling Apistan, as it
says on the label.
Best regards,
In message <[log in to unmask]>, Harry Goudie
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>I notice that the instructions on Bayvarol and Apistan require that the user
>wears gloves when handling these substances.  I also note that many
>subscribers to this list do not wear gloves when examining their bees.  It
>seems to me that if you use any of these chemicals then the whole hive,
>frames etc  will be contaminated with these substances and you must surely
>be exposed to them.
>Can anyone tell me what the symptoms are of Flumethrin or Fluvalinate
>poisoning are?  Has there been any reports  of health problems associated
>with any of these products?
Dr Max Watkins
Director, Vita (Europe) Limited
Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 7RD, UK
Tel 44 (0) 1256 473 177
Fax 44 (0) 1256 473 179