Soy John Goodman, coordinador internacional de APINET, cuyo objetive
principal es facilitar los contactos entre apicultores de todo el mundo.
Le agradeceria si pudieran facilitarme algun consejo de como entrar en
contacto con apicultores espanoles por correo normal o por correo electronico.
Expresandole mi gratitud, se despide atentamente,
John Goodman
APINET ( http://www.inter.nl.net/hcc/beenet )
International Multilingual Extension Network
for apiculture sponsored by CSL & EUROPEA
promotes productive and healthy beekeeping
and links extension workers and others helping
to advise, educate or train beekeepers worldwide.
CSL NBU ( http://www.csl.gov.uk )
The National Bee Unit is part of a UK research
agency, the Central Science Laboratory, which
covers bee disease control and research and
provides an extension service for beekeepers.
EUROPEA ( http://www.europea.org )
European Agricultural Education Association an
EU based organisation serving the agricultural
education & training sector enabling students,
teachers and extension workers to collaborate.
Regional Bee Inspector, NE England
CSL National Bee Unit, UK
Tel/Message:+44 (0)1833 690561