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Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 18:51:53 -0800 (PST)
From: Rowena Tucker <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: hematoma on lip/?angioma
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Alwyn, When I read your lactnet post about the 6 month old with the
swollen lip (hematoma/ angioma?) I wondered if there was more going on
than just a swelling. Why would mom feed baby 16 ounces of anything
all at once, in spite of loosing so much of it? Could she just be
over-full? Could she be sensitive to the formula, and need a different
one? Would mom pump (relactate)? We had a group mom donate pumped milk
to a friend for awhile---strictly their own arrangement.  She may have
to rely on liquid feeds for awhile if they cannot coordinate the
spoon--the baby is still so young to have to work so hard to eat! Just
wondering...could the baby manage a straw? There are lots of
convenient toddler cups around that use straws. My daughter started a
cup about 6 months of age (but nursed for many moons). Please let us
know what happens. Why exactly did mom wean from the breast? Was baby
unable to maintain latch with ineven lip edge?
Rowena Tucker PA,LLLL,IBCLC
College Station, Texas

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