As I was getting ready for my 4th birth(Ben), We watched a lot of birht
videos with our kids ( then ages 7, 5, and nearly 2) so they would be
prepared for many variations of birth, since they would be there for our
home birth.  During Posy's Birth she got hung up on my pubic bone and I
spent a lot of time pushing and getting nowhere.  One day I pulled out
the video of Posy's birth and watched it with her ( she was nearly 2 and
this was the first time she saw her birth.  Well we got to the part where
she was stuck ( no one says anything about it on the video) and she
offhandedly said "That was when my head hurt"  It really blew me away.  I
don't know how she knew what was going on, if she recognized the sounds
in the room or what.  This point in the video is still 15+ minutes before
her birth.  She was unstuck when I got into a squat.
:)(o) Jenni - [log in to unmask]    -    LLL
Wife to Jay, mom to Paisley-8, James-6, Mariposa-3, and Benjamin-1
"When you are dealing with a child, keep all your wits about you, and sit
on the floor."
-Austin O'Malley

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