
I received a call early this morning that I found to be quite
worrisome---even scary.  A mom called saying that a certain hospital gave
her my number to call.  Her question---does abm need to be warmed up
before giving it to baby?  She apparently makes bottles up ahead of time
and keeps in the refrigerator.  Well, after I picked my jaw up from off
the floor, I said that she called a breastfeeding info line.  I suggested
she call her doctor to get info about the preparation of abm.

We always hear about the dangers of breastfeeding.  This mom did not have
a clue about abm preparation.

This is the second call this week from a mom referred to me by my
"favorite" hospital.  I don't even want to go into the first call, it
still gets me quite angry thinking about it.

Thanks for allowing me to vent.

Gloria Thai  Honolulu, O'ahu, Hawai'i  located 20 degrees North of the