While working in the Public Health Clinic we would get a hand pump for a very
uncomfortable ABM mom.  This didn't happen frequently.  I felt it was an
opening for education with that mom.  I pointed out that nature had responded
to her giving birth in the natural way and she obviously would have been able
to provide perfect nutrition for her newborn.  We had a "salty" clerk who had
a wonderful relationship with our clients.  She would tell these ABM mom's to
"feed that baby the way you are supposed to" when she was the first person to
hear their complaints.  She was personnally responsible for getting more than
one young mom to put her baby to breast a few days out from the delivery.  I
don't think we should ever miss the window of opportunity to educate the

Linda Inglis, BS. IBCLC
Palm Harbor, Fl
Where the weather is absolutely beautiful and the trees are beginning to get
those orange Christmas balls on them.  Fresh Orange Juice for Christmas!