
This info came second hand to me.  A friend told me during the past week
on talk radio in the U.S., Dr. Dean Edell spoke of breastfeeding.  One of
his comments was something to the effect if we really want to make an
impact on health, "force" women to breastfeed.  Yes, my friend said he
did say force.

A mom called in to say that she weaned baby from abm and wanted to know
if her child should drink whole milk or 2%.  He replied, if she were
breastfeeding, the baby would still be getting mother's milk----whole
mother's milk---there's no such thing as 2% mother's milk.  Also
mentioned that baby would nurse for years---that is nature's way.

Anyone catch this?

Gloria Thai  Honolulu, O'ahu, Hawai'i  located 20 degrees North of the