Dear Miriam,

About the smoking mom with the premie.... Not to be nasty or anything,
really, but this mom needs to stop smoking. Period.  And I say this as
someone who has definitely been there, done that.  Yes, breastmilk is
best, but why stress a premie with a load of nicotine?  If this isn't a
good enough stimulus to get her to quit, at least temporarily, then I
doubt that anything will.  Also, consider how good this will make her
feel, in spite of withdrawal, to know that she is doing absolutely
everything she can to help her baby to thrive and stay healthy?  I think
it would actually be very good for her mental health.  Think of how she
may feel later if the baby is put on formula because she is smoking and
then develops formula related health problems, perhaps even life
threatening ones.  Or if the baby does get her milk, but the nicotine
does indeed have an effect.  This would probably require some very finely
honed counseling skills, but it would be well worth it for mom and baby
alike.  Just my humble opinion.  And spoken in deep sympathy for anyone
who has experienced this incredibly difficult to beat addiction.

Sharon Knorr, BSMT, LLLL, IBCLC
Lactation Consultant Services
Rochester, New York
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