I am really concerned that there has been another breastfeeding baby die on
Chicago Hope.  LOTS OF PEOPLE WATCH THIS!  I did not watch it this week, due
to my disgust the week before and I didn't want to put myself through that
again.  I don't think I can watch Dr Grad moan and groan about being a parent
again.  Did anyone tape this show???  I would like to have the line quoted and
the scene set up for me.  Can anyone do that?  (Feel free to e-mail me
privately if you feel this is not appropriate for the list.)  I am wondering
just who or what is behind this attack.  And I think that after two weeks in a
row we can label it an attack. If someone has the tape it might help to look
at the sponsors again?  Do any reappear? This also means that breastfeeding
deaths will come up at least twice more this summer!  Not to mention the
reruns on daytime TV when it is sindicated.  I will go to the website again-
hate to even do that because I think they will interpret that as "points" and
think it's great they got my attention.

Thanks for "listening",
Linda Inglis, BS, IBCLC
Palm Harbor, Fl
Where it was so clear yesterday that we could see the shuttle take off from
150 miles away.  Awesome!