Cindy writes that this baby has had lots of bottles.  She says that the
baby does 2-3 deep sucks and then switches to non-nutritive sucking.

I think this baby has learned to comfort (and sleep) at the breast while
waiting to get her  feeding  from the bottle.  I would strongly
encourage the mother to supplement at the breast and/or to finger feed
as much as possible.  Mother needs to understand what the baby has
learned (if you will suck on the breast at least occasionally for x
number of minutes, you can have your bottle).  If she understands that
the supplementer (would she be more comfortable with a commercial
variety?) is temporary, she might be more willing to put up with the
Lots of skin-to-skin, co-sleeping (if appropriate and comfortable for
this mother) and co-bathing would also be likely to help.

Please keep us posted.
Bonnie Jones, RN, ICCE, IBCLC