Hi Matthew,
 It's been my experience that if the hives are very weak there will be
 little or no evidence of fighting.  I assume that this is because of to
 few guard bees or the hive is demoralized.  I had a similiar problem
 except it was around August. I tried to help it along but it never
 seemed to take off the way I expected it.  Even though it "consumed" a
 good quantity of syrup.  So I stopped feeding out of frustation.  I
soon  turned my attention to other things.  When I came back to the hive
three  weeks later it seemed to be doing better so I waited another 2
weeks.   When I checked it again it was booming.  However, we are late
in the  season and you don't have that luxury now so if they were mine
and since  they are very small I would consider uniting them.  There
should still  be enough warm days to allow you to do this.  As far as
deciding which  queen would rule you will have to make that decision.
If you let the  bees decide there is a chance you could end up with no
queen or an
 injured one.  Good luck.
> Kent Stienburg
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Kent Stienburg
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