Kari-Lynn Miller says, on subject of DHA:

>I received info from another company - OmegaTech - a company marketing  DHA
enriched eggs. Yes, chicken eggs enriched with DHA! <

Here in the UK we have a product called 'efanatol' which is a dietary supplement
which is a 'combination of the Long-Chain Polyunsatruated fatty acids DHA, GLA
and AA which are important nutrients for you and your baby before and during and
after pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding.'  (I qote from leaflet).

The leaflet I have had a pic of foetus on front, breastfeeding dyad inside.  I
got this info off a stall at the AGM of a large UK childbirth charity in May
1997.  They were giving free samples, money-off coupons, promotional pens.  All
behaviour we would complain about in a formula company.  The leaflet urges women
to take the product because it is 'a good way to safeguard any potential
nutritional gaps'.

The Labour government wants people to take responsibility for their own health
(as stated in the recent Green Paper), and particular reference is made to diet.
These companies undermine the confidnece women have in their bodies to supply
adequate nutrition for themselves and their babies -- then other companies step
in to continue the work by extolling the virtues of their milks, follow-on
milks, and weaning foods.

I took this matter to the board of trustees of the childbirth charity at the
time.  This charity have breastfeeding volunteers, who work with mothers.  The
trustees never answered my concerns.  Presuamably they saw these supplements as
essentially benign, rather than a part of the maze of companies in on the act of
dis-empowering women and undermining their confidence in making choices about
how to feed their babies.

You all in the USA can expect more like this!!!!

(My local wholefood shop sells a sister product from the same company.  That's
the kind of wholesome image these products have!!!)

Magda Sachs
Breastfeeding Supporter
The Breastfeeding Network
Uppermill, Saddleworth, near Oldham, Greater Manchester, UK