Elaine comments:

<<  Please
 understand that I am not critical of Debbie, IBCLCs, or LLL - just wondering
 how we'll all fit together when (YES, when ;-)) the bf battle is over and ABM
 is as common as baby aspirin (medicinal for adults but rarely given to
 children). >>


When I first started as an LC over 13 years ago, I figured my job was doomed.
Five, maybe 8 years, and I could open a bookstore.  No need for LCs, LLL or
anything else.  It's now almost 1999.  Not only are we nowhere near the bf
initiation rate that the surgeon general called for for 1990, I see far more
problems and struggles with bf than I did back in 1985.  There are not enough
LCs, not enough LLLL, not enough people knowledgeable about bf to assist every
bf mother.  Poor information is STILL being given out.  We are still battling
issues such as Chicago Hope(less), and interference with the birth process
which causes problems with breastfeeding.  I don't think I see our jobs being
over anytime soon in the next millenium.  I like your optimism, but....

Jan Barger -- RN, MA, IBCLC -- pessimistic here in Wheaton