Hi All !

Thank to everyone who responded to my "itching" question...I left message w/
mom today as I had too many wonderful suggestions to tell her that I couldn't
wait until Monday : )
Consensus seems to be: reaction to chlorine in pool water - leaving suit on
long time after swimming or not rinsing body or suit well.
Next most often sug; is to check thyroid function.  Dry skin leading to
itching is a symptom...
Let you know what happens.

ALSO,  Would Pam Wiggins let me know how to get a copy of her first edition of
the book about stupid stories/reasons to stop breastfeeding.

LINDA SMITH:  Did you get the one I posted last week?  Mom using hemorrhoid
cream told to stop bf by her doc !!!  duh...
Welcome back...Your posts are always enjoyable.

Karen Evon, IBCLC
Maternal Expressions
Folsom, CA
Northern California, USA