
Another LC who is not on line asked me to pose this question.
Paediatrician of premie (at 34 weeks) is pressuring mother to
supplement with Nutramigen.  The Paediatrician says that it is easier
than human milk for the baby to digest!!!! Mother does not want to.
The LC asked the mother to ask the Paed to provide her with
information/evidence that this is so. Not sure if the mother did.

I have done a Medline search and Lactnet search.


Does anyone know if that formula company is making this claim?
I suspect that it is not factual and that this
Paed is using "false appeal to authority" on this mom.  This Paed
also recommends one formula over another as if there is a great deal
of difference (on the regular ones I mean).

Thanks for your help.

Nancy Nurmi BScN, NP, IBCLC