I think what bothered me the most was the use of "Baby Friendly". The
program made it seem that mothers had to sign and swear not to use
formula.  I think they misrepresented Baby Friendly and for a lot of
people this is the first time they've ever heard of this.
The parting message  was that mothers just have to keep their babies
alive and this mother couldn't do it implied that it didn't matter what
you do with your baby, formula or breastfeed, makes no difference as long
as you keep it alive. What is THAT all about???

BTW I did call CBS this morning and got a very snippy person who said
that I should reserve judgement until I see the program. I very kindly
pointed out to her that I was not making a judgement, merely asking who I
could speak to about having the VNR played. I had started the
conversation by stating that I heard that a baby would die of dehydration
due to breastfeeding on Chicago Hope. There was no judgment implied, so
they must have gotten a lot of calls and were just responding to what
they thought they heard from callers.....
Hope I'm not too incoherent, but it's kinda late. I liked the segments
with the doctor who meditates....
PEarl Shifer, IBCLC

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