I am currently dealing with the homing ability of pigeons and there has been
many studies of this complicated process and it has now occurred to me that
the process used by bees to locate their hive if very likely to be the same,
or a similar process as used by pigeons. The thought has occurred to me that
Bee Keepers may have struck
on the solution through working on a miniature scale and with what
certainly appears to be with a great deal more scientific study than has
been devoted to the pigeon homing aspect.  I was wondering if you would
be kind enough to point me in the right direction for any articles on
the subject (assuming there are such articles) relating to the homing
ability of bees.
Leo Turley [log in to unmask]
With permission from Mr Turley he asked me to forward his question to the
list. If you can help this genlteman please do. Thank you.
Kind Regards, Sherry Medders
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