Dear all,

We're all familiar with "nursing strikes."  We are familiar with the baby who
has been given bottles since day one, and at the age of three months decides,
in his infinite wisdom he isn't going to take a bottle any more (or in a not
so smart move, decides not to breastfeed any more -- mom, of course, assumes
he is weaning).

The peds I work with called me today about nursing strikes -- then told me we
have a baby in the practice, age 5 months, who is bottle fed, and is refusing
to take a bottle.  In fact, is basically refusing to eat at all.  It is a 45
minute struggle to get much of anything down.  This has been going on for 10
days.  Baby has been examined, and is in good health -- no ear infections or
anything.  I haven't heard of strikes in bottle feeding infants.  Other than a
major psych issue (such as parents trying to put infant on schedule and
refusing to feed him when he needs to eat so he is 'striking' back), do you
wise people have any other thoughts?

Jan Barger -- who is leaving for Maine tomorrow for a conference -- how are
the leaves up there?  I'm hoping it is gorgeous!!