
Hope the collective will have some good suggestions for this mom.  I have
checked the archives, but could not find what I needed.

This mom  has endometriosis.  She was asymptomatic during pregnancy and
until 4 months postpartum when her period returned.  Her baby is now 1
year old.

Her endometriosis has gotten to be unbearable.  She is in constant pain.
The endometriosis is in her bowels as well.  She has been to several
doctors.  The suggestions being Lupron injection or hysterectomy.  As she
would like to have one more baby, a hysterectomy is out.  Her concern of
course is the Lupron and the possibility of suppressed lactation.  Her
daughter still nurses about 5 times a day.

I have read up on Lupron in Hale's current edition.  It seems that the
possibility of affecting the milk supply seems to be more of a concern
early postpartum, so maybe she will not have to worry.

She is considering taking herbs, such as fenugreek and blessed thistle.
Would this help in this situation?  Should she start the herbs before the
Lupron or just wait and see?  Is it wise to be using herbs to increase
milk supply while taking the Lupron which could have the opposite effect?


Gloria Thai  Honolulu, Hawai'i

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